About Thomas Rowley, Ph.D.

Do you see a national problem and think it’s too big for you to have any influence? Are you frustrated with being misinformed or misguided? Take heart. You can change it.
Dr Rowley, a former professor, and semi-retired CPA, evaluates potential solutions and recommendations from leaders of public policy and public safety and concludes with a four-step action plan.
Starting with the individual, become a respectful skeptic: a critical thinker who knows the rights and responsibilities of citizenship who will politely challenge those who govern and manage our public education to include the life skills required of a productive individual.
When we succeed, rational fact-based decisions will result in calmer, more productive public discourse of the important issues of our time.
The objective of education should be to teach young people how to think, not what to think, and to develop their life skills starting in the early grades. This will restore the traditional admiration and respect of the teaching profession and the personal satisfaction that drives most teachers to return to the classroom every day.

Tom is a veteran, a former university professor, an entrepreneur and semi-retired CPA who lives in Panamá with his wife and stepson who is studying to become an aeronautical engineer, and an old Beagle named Snickers. He is a business problem solver using his MBA and a second Masters’ degree in human resource management to help small business find and implement solutions.
Tom earned a BS degree in accounting with a minor in economics at U of Maryland and an MBA from the U of Miami. He built a successful CPA tax and management consulting practice. After a decade and a half in business he returned to study and earned a Masters – Human Resource Management and a PhD in business from the U of Utah. He has served on faculties at U Utah, and Georgia State University and published academic and professional articles related to management of financial information.