Thomas Rowley, Ph.D.
Become a critical thinking
decision maker and advocate!

My goal is to create and support a successful cadre of enthusiastic advocates to restore the teaching of effective problem solving life skills in public education.
Young people deserve to learn how to think not what to think. Developing the skills of critical thinking techniques integrated with the knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of adults will result in balanced individuals who are confident they are making informed decisions with a conscious expectation of the likely consequences.
When individuals practice being ‘respectful skeptics’ and engage in calm social discourse of the important issues of the times, the debate is more peaceful and negotiated outcomes are more productive and less disruptive.

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Praise for Empower Your Children
“The author discusses the failure of the public education system in the USA to educate students in critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As an educator, he speaks from first-hand experience. He believes that the Vietnam War is one of the reasons for this. I won’t spoil your read by saying why. He is worried that many students and leaders in government, industry and education won’t listen to arguments that challenge their points of view. He discusses the effects of the pandemic and generational issues and is concerned re illiberalism. He recommends a plan of action and advocacy to deal with the issues raised.”
- BJ Miller, Author and Pastor, Queensland
“The author does an excellent job using a plethora of sources to show how/why the educational system is the way it is. From having a lot of experience, Tom explains why he believes there should be a framework for responsible decision making and the likely consequences that go along with it.. which is why he “blames it on Nam!” As an educator, I couldn’t put this book down, and it gave me a lot of insight such as: the history of education, a biased curriculum, generational archetypes, problem solving opportunities and even an action plan with a lot of tools to implement actual change in the educational system.”
- MB, Special Ed teacher, Ohio
“I wish every judge, politician, legislator, educator and school board member and parent would read this book. It contains many solutions to the problems in this country. Issues with critical thinking that could be corrected in our classrooms. Buy it, read it, and act upon these crucial issues facing our children and grandchildren.”
- MJH, Kansas

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